Kashmir is rich in the cultural diversity of the people, as well as diversity of flora and fauna in the forest areas, and domesticated species outside the forest. Plant diversity is the life support of almost all terrestrial eco-systems, with both humans and animals being entirely dependent on plants directly or indirectly.
The state of Jammu and Kashmir has a fairly rich diversity of plant life, and on this the people depend for their daily needs of food, medicine, fuel, fiber, etc. The varied Plant life also contributes to the food and habitat needs of the wild and domesticated animals in the state. Plants are also an integral part of the social fabric of the state. The environmental, social and economic values of Plants are very well known. On the other hand, the faunal component of the bio-diversity of the state is rich, with interesting and unique forms both in the forest zones and above the forest-line. The variety of animal forms ranges from higher groups like vertebrates, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and lower groups like invertebrates including insects and even unicellular micro-organisms.
Indicative Itinerary for 04n/05ds
Day 01: Delhi – Srinagar | |
ArriveSrinagarandtransfertoHotel.IntheafternoonShikararideonThe DalLaketoenjoythe beauty that Godhas gracedthiscitywithwhichisoftencomparedtoVenice.Alsoget aviewofsomevery interesting placesaroundthe Lake.IntheeveningShikararideonDal Laketo enjoythe sunset.
Overnight stay at the Srinagar Day 02: Srinagar – Gulmarg– Srinagar Morningproceedforfulldaytourof Gulmargwhich isone of themostbeautifulsummerresortinthevalley.Itisalso popularforitsgolfcourse(insummer),thehighestintheworldand skiingduringthewinterseason.Enjoythesplendorofnatureandthesnowymountains.EnjoyGondolaride(Optional)fromGulmargtoKhalinmarg.Inthe eveningreturntoHotel. Overnight stay at the Srinagar. Day03:Srinagar-Pahalgam-Srinagar FulldayexcursiontoPahalgam440Mtrs(valeofKashmir)onthewayvisitSaffronfields, AvantipurruinsandAnantnagsulpherspring.PahalgamisthemostfamousplaceforIndianFilm Industry.Enjoythe naturecharmofthevalley.IntheeveningreturntoHotel. Overnight stay at the Srinagar. Day04:Srinagar-Sonmarg -Srinagar- FulldayexcursiontoSonmargwhichisthemostbeautifuldrivefromSrinagar.Ontheway stopatanybeautifulspots.ContinuedrivetoSonmarg2690Mtrs(MeadowofGold).OnecanrideonhorsetovisittoThajiwasGlacierwheresnowremainsroundtheyearandSonmargis known asGatewayofLadakh. Intheeveningreturnto Houseboat.Night stay atHoseboat. Overnight stay at the Srinagar. Day05:Srinagar—Delhi. AfterbreakfasttakethedeparturetransfertoSrinagarAirportforyouronwardjourney.Withsweet memoriesofSRINAGARdestination. *****HAPPY JOURNEY ****** |